Kefir in baby food

Kefir in baby food

Kefir in baby food.

Kefir is a very useful and important product for a child, however, you need to know at what age it can be administered in the diet, and understand how to choose a quality children’s yogurt.

Use yogurt in baby food:

  • Restores healthy intestinal microflora at dysbacteriosis;
  • It combats pathogens gastrointestinal diseases;
  • It contains amino acids and vitamins necessary growing organism;
  • It strengthens the immune system;
  • Milk protein found in yogurt, kids digested more easily than protein found in milk;
  • It improves appetite;
  • It helps with sleep disorders.

When and how to enter the yogurt in the diet of a child?

Pediatricians recommend introducing a baby with yogurt not earlier than when the 8 months of age (available later). This is due to the fact that the body is not yet ready crumbs to the product: a high level of protein and minerals (potassium, phosphorus, sodium, …) creates a load on immature kidneys and digestive system of a small body.

You should start with 30 ml of yogurt a day, and then for 3-5 days to increase to the maximum allowable of 100 ml per day (this is the norm for children from 8 months to a year, after a year of allowable norm – 200-300 ml per day). Be sure to watch how the child reacts to a new product: there was not any allergic reaction, the stomach does not hurt you, did not change whether the chair.

In that case, from the yogurt should be abandoned.


  • Traditional yogurt in the diet of a child is introduced to 8 months if his weight is normal or greater than if the child nedobiraet weight, doctors are advised to enter into the diet of cottage cheese.
  • Children who are in (artificial feeding), cottage cheese and yogurt provide one month before those on HB (breastfeeding), ie 7 months.
  • If the child quickly closes the fontanelle, the yogurt to give it is impossible, t. To. Calcium, which are rich in all dairy products, can hurt.
  • Cyrus Suhilova, dietician: “Based on our experience nutritionist, I can say with certainty that the child’s diet yogurt is best administered strictly 1 year: the consumption of this product may cause a baby has an allergic reaction to lactose, which is aged, under the recommended by me, it is very difficult to determine.
  • Also, be sure to observe the correct consumption of yogurt children kid: a year and up to two years, the daily rate of 300 ml; two to three years – 500ml; three years – no more than -1-1,5 liters. “

Why do I need to buy children’s yogurt?

To manufacture kefir for children are increased requirements in the production of raw materials for the product must not be lower than the premium. In addition, the production of yogurt child carried on a separate equipment, to meet the higher heat treatment of milk parameters, which further ensures safety of the product.

Often the usual “adult” kefir can contain preservatives, starch, dyes, fillers, which are inadmissible in specialized products for children. All objectively unnecessary food additives are poorly absorbed by the body and children are often the cause of allergic skin rash.

The composition of children’s yogurt

Usually kids yogurt is composed of:

  • milk;
  • starter on kefir fungi.

Kids yogurt. Selection Rules:

  • The store offers 3 types of children’s kefir: normal, and bifikefir biokefir. In the latter two, along with dairy fungus contains bifidobacteria, which contribute to the development of their own intestinal flora. If the baby is well accept all kinds of yogurt, the best alternate them in the child’s diet, they should be present in equal amounts. However biokefir and bifikefir our expert Cyrus Suhilova recommends administered in the diet, only when the child turns 3 years before this age is more bifidobacteria do not have to load the body of the child.
  • Do not take yogurt with “solar” showcases – the quality of dairy products is much worse when overheated. Look for a product in a specially equipped and protected from light shelves or in the refrigerator.
  • Carefully read the label yogurt: a part should not be any supplements with the index E, stabilizers, preservatives and so on. N.
  • Note the date of manufacture and expiry date (the smaller the better the quality of the product).
  • Look at the packaging: vote its integrity (whether hermetically closed), if there are dents, scratches, better not take this product – through micro-cracks can easily penetrate the air, which affects the quality properties of the product.
  • On the packaging of children’s yogurt must indicate the age for which the product is intended. Buy only one that corresponds exactly to the age of your child, only if your baby will get vitamins and minerals in the volume as needed.

Helpful advice

Do not drink kefir too cold or hot. It should be at room temperature.

Remember that yogurt for a child – it’s not drinking, they can not quench their thirst and give in between feedings.

Categories: Baby products

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