The game of colors. How to attract the attention of the child to healthy eating

The game of colors. How to attract the attention of the child to healthy eating

The game of colors. How to attract the attention of the child to healthy eating.

Making a child to eat something good is not easy. Kids do not care how much effort spent mom to cook dinner, where everything is balanced – trace elements and vitamins. Kids busy with more important things – a game, for example. As such, the output we have only one: we will play!

We use a simple rule of traffic lights: at the child on the plate should be natural food three natural colors – red, yellow and green. The rest, as they say in the recipes – for vkusu.Esli meal is included in one dish, then, all the traffic lights and must fit in the plate. And you can start with a green salad, and finish red berry juice. Following this rule, you can kill two birds with one stone: to captivate the child’s healthy diet and without any complex calculations to make it a full menu.

Three favorite color – or more?

Nutritionists have long known that food color indicates the presence therein of certain substances.

Red fruits gives lycopene – a powerful antioxidant carotenoid.

Products: tomato, watermelon, peppers, pink grapefruit.

Orange beta-carotene. Good for the heart and blood vessels, strengthens the sight.

Products: carrot, persimmon, yellow pepper, raspberry.

Yellow result of the bioflavonoids contained in all yellow, the fruit of the melon to the potatoes and corn. Bioflavonoids strengthen cell membranes and walls of small blood vessels, as well as regulate the content of the most important enzymes in the body.

Food: melons, potatoes, corn, apples, citrus fruits, grapes.

Green – chlorophyll, a very important substance for blood system. It is necessary for many processes in the body, supports the immune system, increases vitality, stimulates the hematopoietic system, promotes renewal of tissue and rapid healing of wounds.

Products: cucumber, squash, leafy greens, cabbage, kiwi.

Of course, it is not necessary to limit the power of children and only three colors to give up useful food other colors. The palette of children’s plates can be extended indefinitely. Complementing “svetoforchik” child other colors, you are only a variety of food nutrients. For example, purple beets, eggplant, plum and black currant will not only add another paint to the plate, but also support in the body the required amount of vitamin E. The culprit purple coloring of fruits and vegetables – anthocyanins – natural dye from the group of flavonoids. Anthocyanins requires brain cells, improves memory and learning ability. It also contains blueberries and black grapes, blackberries and red cabbage.

Game Artist

For the child, colorful food is interesting, because he himself would be the menu for special rules of the game. But how to captivate him this game? You may fit the scenario here are the moves:

  • the child needs to go to the dish with the expansion of fruit and vegetables and pick up a menu for the rule of traffic lights, and you are charged for it he reward points. When their will be a lot, give
  • the child a prize. Be sure to arrange this in advance.
  • child, choosing the right products is a picture on his plate: a light tomato, corn, green onions in the frame of anything, giraffe of melon slices with walnuts, honey watermelon and kiwi grass.
  • the child himself tells you which products to buy to run normally traffic.
  • Important! Does not reward your baby for a good selection of “harmful food”: so you will be to improve its image in the eyes of a child, and only in his mind strengthen its relationship with the holiday. The best reward a child some nice trinket: a new cartoon book, a little toy.
Categories: Baby products

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