Espresso for astronauts

Espresso for astronauts

Espresso for astronauts.

For many a cup of coffee – the best start to the day. Needless to indulge in such pleasure in space ?! Of course not!
Very soon, the International Space Station will replenish coffee machine that can cook authentic espresso. Today in the afternoon from Cape Canaveral launched another unmanned rocket with an experimental technique. The car dubbed ISSpresso, in honor of the ISS (International Space Station), ie the ISS.

Italian coffee giant Lavazza, together with several companies and organizations, including the Italian Space Agency originally developed this device for its astronauts – Samantha Cristoforetti, which is now in orbit as part of the crew of 43-IIC. According to experts, NASA has been done to ensure that the astronauts feel at home on the ship, because the space they spend more than one month.

If the coffee machine will pass all the tests will work properly and will appeal to all members of the expedition, the next will be the machine for the production of ice cream.

Categories: All about drinks

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