How to avoid mistakes when buying carbonated drinks

How to avoid mistakes when buying carbonated drinks

How to avoid mistakes when buying carbonated drinks.

What ingredients are part of the carbonated drinks? How to choose a good carbonated beverage, focusing on its composition? Let’s try to sort out these issues.

The composition of carbonated drinks

The main ingredient in carbonated beverages – water. Sweet drinks at 85-99% water. Therefore, the quality of the beverage is determined, primarily, the quality of the water that is used therein. Generally, the major manufacturers of soft drinks use modern powerful water purification system, allowing to bring the water to the high quality standards of drinking water.

Why we love soft drinks? This is probably due to the pleasant feeling of bursting bubbles in the mouth. This feeling comes from the saturation of water with carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has no colors, no smell. It is found in the air we breathe, and is also involved in human metabolism, affect the activity of many enzymes and plays an important role in maintaining acid-alkaline balance. Carbon dioxide present in the beverage, is completely safe for human use.

Interesting fact: when you are opening a bottle of 90% of the gas evaporates, and the majority of the remaining 10% in the bottle disappears in the process of drinking the beverage. Thus, only a small amount enters the gastrointestinal tract.

Next friendly and traditional ingredients for us – sugar. Manufacturers added to the soft drink most of the most common beet or cane sugar. Use a reasonable amount of sugar is not contraindicated for healthy people. It improves mood and gives strength and helps to fill the loss of energy.

As explained by Yuri Tyrsin, professor of the Moscow State University of Food Production, an expert of the Academy of soft drinks, “sodas sugar content are virtually on a par with juices, at about 10 g / 100 ml.” Of course, as in all things in the preparation of the diet, the only limitation is the amount: do not abuse the sweet drinks. Their intake should be reasonable.

In certain types of carbonated beverages are added caffeine. It is known that caffeine has a tonic effect on the body. However, few people know that at low concentrations, as in some beverages (particularly in the Coca-Cola), he does not have a tonic effect, and a flavoring ingredient, gives a pleasant bitterness, that appreciate coffee lovers.

Unfamiliar ingredients on the label

As a flavoring ingredient to make the “sour” and astringency fizzy drinks using citric or phosphoric acid. Dispel fear orthophosphoric acid helped by the fact that it comprises, even in tomatoes, wherein a concentration twice higher (114 mg / 100 ml) than in the beverage (e.g., Coca-Cola <60mg / 100ml). Low concentrations of dietary acids in beverages is quite physiologic and safe, their acidity corresponds to the acidity of many fruit juices and nectars. Healthy humans having gastric acidity level 100 times greater, ready for replenishing water balance by carbonated beverages.

Responsible manufacturers are paying a lot of attention not only on the quality of the ingredients, but also to the attractive appearance of the final beverage, which hits the shelves. To drink was a beautiful feast for the eyes and the color, add food coloring. Yuri Tyrsin explains: “We should not discriminate against dyes. Absolutely all the food colors are beginning to be used in the food industry only after a complete check on the safety of Rospotrebnadzor and the Institute of Nutrition in accordance with international requirements. Through years of research are determined by the maximum allowable concentration in the product, which is not exceeded in the production. ”

Some large manufacturers, following the lead of the consumer, often used in their drinks natural dyes. For example, cola drinks as a dye used is one of the most well-known dyes – natural caramel coloring, simply, normal, well-known since childhood burnt sugar. And in many drinks with orange flavor is used as an orange pigment beta-carotene, which is not only safe, but also has useful properties as a source of vitamin A.

The biggest fear unjustly causing preservatives. Preservatives used in low concentrations, are safe and help prevent the development of mirkoorganizmov in the product delay its deterioration and reduce the risk of food poisoning. Most often used in beverages benzoic acid and its salts and sorbic acid and its salts. The surprising fact shared Yuri Tyrsin “benzoic acid found in cranberries and lingonberries, and sorbic acid found in the fruit of mountain ash in large quantities, while no one considers these berries are dangerous to health.” Who learned to do without preservatives. It turns out to achieve by providing high technological production standards that can afford only the big producers of world renown.

Thus, all the ingredients of drinks, produced and tested by large companies !!!, comply with the requirements of food law and are absolutely safe for the body. Now let the drink selection criteria will not be unfamiliar, and the absence of “chemical” ingredients and their quality and safety.

Categories: All about drinks

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