


Ginger – the root of a tropical plant Zingiber officinale ginger family, is considered the birthplace of South-East Asia. In the wild it is now nowhere to grow and cultivate it in Asia, Brazil, Jamaica, Nigeria and Australia. The names of the root in many languages ​​of the world back to the Sanskrit shringavera (literally: “the root, like a deer horns”), which was transformed into ancient Greek and Latin zingiberis zingiber.

In Europe sweet-hot taste of ginger root is especially appreciated by the British. Since ancient times, they added ginger soup, meat stew, pishtety, desserts, drinks and famous printed gingerbread (Scottish Gingerbread).

Asians consider ginger king of spices. The Chinese have used ginger in savory and sweet dishes, Japanese marinated and served with sushi, Indians and Sri Lankans add it to the majority of spice mixtures and sauces. Unthinkable without ginger and Thai cuisine, where he seasoning and vegetables, and sweets.

In Russia, ginger appeared in the XVI century – still “Domostroy” advised housewives to preserve watermelon rinds in spicy syrup “inbirem.”

Useful properties of ginger are innumerable. Ginger enhances memory, helps with digestive disorders, injuries, sciatica, cough, cure liver, reproductive system, stomach, intestines, thins the blood (due to which the brain is better supplied with oxygen), relieves headaches, removes toxins from the body. Ginger tea – a great natural remedy for colds. A paste of ground ginger – a good home remedy for sore muscles and head. No spice and a box with medicines!

Have ginger and contraindications. Ginger in a lot of ways to irritate the mucous membranes of the larynx and stomach. Ginger can enhance ulcer or erosion. Additionally Ginger is contraindicated in persons with gallstone disease, as is able to trigger the output of stones by increasing the production of bile. Liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis) also make ginger undesirable product: hazardous once again stimulate the secretory activity of the cells irritated. Even ginger can increase any bleeding, so it is not recommended to take during menstruation and any diseases associated with bleeding (hemorrhoids, and so on. N.). I do not recommend eating ginger children and people suffering from high blood pressure and suffered a stroke and heart attack.

The types and grades

The varieties of ginger – a great many. Common ginger – bright yellow on the outside (with time it turns brown) and white (yellow with time) inside, but there are varieties of amazing colors – bright green, yellow, blue-veined.

All varieties of ginger is inherent in the original flavor and taste, but the colors may be different. Ginger sometimes smells of grass, orange, even kerosene.

Also, different varieties of shape and length of rhizomes. There are roots in the shape of the hand in the collected whispers “fingers” kornevischa- “kulaks”, horned and elongated, rounded and flattened.

The only common feature – all varieties are burning, when the root is fully matured.

How to cook

Before use, should be cut with a ginger peel, but very carefully – it is below it is the main supply of oils and fragrances. Fresh ginger, which is sold in the European countries, rather burning, however it is used in small quantities and thus strongly pulverized.

Ginger is very common in British cuisine: chopped ginger or ginger powder Brits added to soups, meat stews, pies, desserts, drinks, gingerbread (Scottish Gingerbread).
The Chinese have used ginger in combination with garlic in savory dishes, as well as canned in syrup and candy.

Japanese marinated and served it to a variety of dishes, particularly sushi. Ready pickled ginger “Japanese-style” can be bought in any supermarket. White pickled ginger is adjacent to the pink – tinted.

Ginger comes in many spice mixtures and sauces, for example, Indian and Sri Lankan. In Indian cuisine, fresh ginger is successfully combined with fish dishes, giving them an exquisite savor, and dried – ground and used sharp fruit and vegetable seasonings chutney.

Unthinkable without ginger and Thai cuisine, where he seasoning and vegetables (when young), and sweetness.

So-called ginger oil represents two different products: it is either essential ginger oil (extract of ginger root), which is not intended for food (excessively hot and aromatic) or infused ginger root oil other plants – such as linseed, rapeseed, corn, etc. . n. This food is fine ginger oil for culinary purposes and can be used for oriental dishes or just for salads.


At home ginger, Thailand, ginger – this is a seasonal product. Young ginger roots are harvested in the cool season (November to March). It is a root vegetable, well-soaked with moisture, sprawling, not hard, not bitter, not yet dried up. Many Europeans a ginger did not sign.

Since March ginger fully matures and becomes hot. Such Ginger Thai cleaned, cut and left for a while in salt water to get rid of excessive bitterness and pungency. It is fully ripe ginger often arrives in stores in Europe and America, including in the form of a hammer.

How to choose and store

In stores Ibirá sold as fresh or pickled (in banks or narazves), ground (in powder form). Fresh whole ginger root, of course, the most useful.

Ginger should be smooth, dense to the touch, with a clear spicy scent.

Fresh ginger, particularly intact skin, several weeks stored in a refrigerator. When storing it for over a month, he slowly dries (indeed, the dried ginger is quite amiss beverage). At room

temperature, the ginger is also good for up to two weeks – unless, of course, the humidity is not too high.

Ground ginger is stored for a long time without a refrigerator in a dry place.

Pickled ginger is painted white and pink. White – this is the natural color of the ginger.

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