


(shaddock, sheddok)

Pomelo – citrus fruit, a close relative of orange and grapefruit. Other names – shaddock, sheddok. It is the largest in size of citrus fruit: the fruit can reach a weight of 10 kilograms, diameter – 30 centimeters (although such large fruit in the Russian shops do not deliver). From grapefruit it is not only the color of the skin, but also larger, elastic fibers inside.

The peel from the pomelo is very thick. The pulp is divided into large slices, which, in turn, is quite dense, poorly chewed kozhurki. Within each lobule can be seeds.

Taste pomelo sour-sweet with a hint of bitterness, flavor reminiscent of grapefruit. Pomelo Pulp drier than other citrus.

Interestingly, in China pomelo – not just a piece of fruit, it is a symbol of prosperity and material well-being and success. That is why the gift of a broom – one of the most valuable Christmas surprises in China. Similar traditions exist in Thailand and Vietnam. Often pomelo involved in relizioznyh ceremonies: in the countries of the Indian subcontinent it is put on the festive altars.
At sufficiently low calorie (about 35 calories per 100 grams) in the fruit pomelo contains a lot of valuable vitamins and minerals: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, B vitamins and vitamin C.

People who are overweight, pomelo fruit is respected for its dietary properties. Fruit miraculously creates a feeling of satiety, and its constituent substances break down fats and proteins. One of the most useful properties of pomelo is the ability to normalize the work of the heart muscle, and thus cause the blood pressure in order. Thanks to the antioxidants present in the composition of pomelo, a fruit to eat beneficial for elderly people, because antioxidants help to restore the cells and thus prolongs youth. Pomelo contains pectin, lowers blood pressure.

Pomelo can be contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the stomach. The fruit has a pronounced allergenic properties, so people prone to allergies should use it with caution. In addition, pomelo, like other citrus fruits, should not be used with certain medications: substances contained in it can increase the effects of certain drugs – in this case the possibility of overdose.

The types and grades

There are several varieties of pomelo. Hue rind of the fruit can vary from yellow to pink, with very thick peel pomelo. The flesh of the fruit also has different shades – from dark pink, almost red, to white; taste it can also be very diverse – from sour to sweet.

Those pomelo, which are sold in Russian stores, usually green or yellowish-green, the flesh they often light, almost white – and rather sweet.

A hybrid of pomelo and white grapefruit – Formation, which is the rest of the world know by the names Oroblanco and pomelo.

How to cook

Pomelo is usually eaten raw and fresh. Juice out of him, as a whole, it is possible, but the result is unlikely to meet expectations: Unlike other citrus, pomelo pulp at a fairly dry.

From candied pomelo can be prepared, it can be added to salads (not necessarily sweet), desserts, even meats.


Pomelo originally appeared in Southeast Asia, Malaysia, which grows on the islands of Tonga and Fiji. In China, it was known as early as 100 BC. e. Currently, pomelo actively cultivated in Japan, India, Indonesia, Israel, the USA (California).

Season maturing pomelo mainly falls on February.

How to choose and store

An important indicator is the freshness pomelo peel, which should be slightly soft, shiny and smooth. Another criterion for the selection, of course, is the flavor of the fruit: the more and brighter, richer than the fresh fruit smells, so it is more mature and juicy.

Pomelo can store no more than a month at room temperature or refrigerated. In pure form it will spoil after 2-3 days.

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