Figs: against excess weight, cholesterol, stress and cough

Figs: against excess weight, cholesterol, stress and cough

Figs: against excess weight, cholesterol, stress and cough.

Drugs against obesity, high cholesterol, stress, cough, hangover – and it’s all about figs. Today’s medicine figs estimates as high as the ancient Greek physicians thousands of years ago.

Even diabetes figs helps (paradoxically – because it has a lot of glucose). At least, this Mexican scientists believe (and together with them Mexican doctors) according to their data, figs useful for diabetes of the second type, because it stabilizes blood sugar levels.

Fig prevents sugar trapped in the body of food, turn to fat. For this reason, it is particularly recommended for low-cholesterol diet. But at least this “anti-grease ‘ability figs useful for those who are watching their weight. Of course, figs quite calories (about 60 calories in a fruit), but it has a lot of fiber, which hinders food surpluses deposited and spoil the shape. So you can declare figs perfect dessert for losing weight.

And a wonderful breakfast for those who have had too much alcohol the day before. Yes, figs helps curb such classic hangover symptoms like nausea, thirst, dry mouth and aversion to the world. Because, among other things, figs has the ability to cheer up a little: all because it contains a lot of magnesium, calcium and potassium, which is not possible without peace of mind of a healthy person.

And in figs rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and B vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids. So diversify your breakfast figs (in combination with spicy cheese or fresh cheese with spices) is not just a hangover, but also throughout the whole “: Peach ‘season.

Conventional medicine does not abandon his figs laxative properties: 2-3 figs (soaked overnight, if it has to be dried with, or drenched with milk, if it is still going to open) help to establish the bowels. Recipe tested, even Greek. In addition, the combination of figs and milk will not be excessive coughing and a small temperature (before drug use give brew for 20 minutes).

Categories: Healthy foods

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