The sweetness of joy!

The sweetness of joy!

The sweetness of joy!

In the fall, more than ever, want to be pampered, and households with a piece of something sweet and chocolate. After a season of summer fruits and berries is almost over, and the body requires a large portion of the dessert cup of hot tea. How to fulfill your desire, not compromising their own health? Very simple: use in the preparation of home-made desserts are not sugar, but its natural counterparts.

Stevia – a plant native to South America, in the language of the ancient Maya of her name means “honey.”

Stevia sweeter than sugar ten times (!), But it does not contain glucose and therefore absorbed by the body without the aid of insulin. Besides it, in contrast to sugar, almost no calories. And the sense of sweet taste is slower but lasts longer.

This is a real gift for people with high blood sugar levels and losing weight. Therefore, more and more confectioneries draws attention to this natural sweetener. Now you can find drinks with stevia, chocolate and candy based steviazida – extract of the plant. Dried stevia can be purchased at a pharmacy or department of a healthy diet in the conventional supermarket. Owners suburban area can easily grow this plant in their beds. The main thing is to dig before frost and bush throughout the winter to keep warm, if stevia will please you for many years. Sweet leaves of the plant can be used in fresh, dried or frozen – in whole or ground to a powder.

Stevia - a plant native to South America

Carob – Powder, made from carob

The pods of the carob tree, something resembling a chocolate-colored beans, after proper treatment acquire pleasant light sweetness. This property allows you to replace them Carob in cooking both cocoa and sugar. According to the manufacturer Carob contains B vitamins, as well as the A and D, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese and nickel. Besides all this storehouse of trace elements – purely natural origin and therefore fully be acquired by our body. Another nice bonus for regular drug carob – reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood. And due to the lack of a part of this wonderful powder feniltilamina and fromamina, whom sin conventional cocoa, carob practically does not cause allergies.

Carob - Powder, made from carob

Goji berries

Small bright red goji berries (or Lycium Barbarum) have appeared on our shelves recently. And once they found both fans and negatively-minded skeptics. The fact that the price of goji berries is an exaggeration, but the effect polzitelno truly mythical promise: there are cancer prevention, and weight loss of 8-10 kilograms per week, and eternal youth. Is it just does not promise immortality! So where is the truth?

First of all, goji quite delicious: sweet and sour, easily chewed and left a pleasant aftertaste. And if you soak them in cold water for a couple of hours, get a great refreshing fruit compote. That and advise them to use for the greater good. In the morning soaked the berries should be added to porridge or just eat with Get compote.

In the English-language online resources is often cited as an example the scale of ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity – a standard scientific method of measuring the activity of antioxidants in a specific food product). And the goji berry is a cut above (on this scale) any other available and widely known fruit and berries:

  • Goji 25300
  • Blueberry 4460
  • Pomegranate 3307
  • Blueberries 2400
  • Blackberry 2036
  • Red grapes 739
  • Apple 218
  • Banana 210
  • Pear 134
  • Watermelon 100

At the same time, goji will not contribute to weight loss “of 10 kilograms a month” without dieting and sports exercises. And if you connect movement and rational approach to nutrition, even without the process of berries go bad.

The phrase “normalizes blood pressure” used in advertising the super-berries, should be read as “reduced.” And pretty good, so that they will have high blood pressure from the well, but gipotonikam – not very.

And remember that anyone, even the most advertised product, there may be side effects. So try to “news” should be cautiously and gradually, remembering that goji berries can cause severe allergies and, contrary to the assurances of manufacturers, strictly contraindicated in pregnant and lactating.

Goji berries

Categories: Healthy foods

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