How to choose tomato juice

How to choose tomato juice

How to choose tomato juice.

Tomato juice drink, drink and drink on weekdays and holidays. Most often ready and bought in the store. How not to make the wrong choice? We try to deal with this issue

What happens

Most often in the stores sold the juices recovered. The composition of such beverage: puree or tomato paste, water and salt. Buy juice is based sauce, not a paste. It is exposed deeper processing technology, whereby useful substances therein are left.

Some manufacturers, by the way, make up for the gap. They added to tomato juice vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
If the label has the words “homogenized”, do not be alarmed. Homogenisation – the process repeated grinding of the product, creating a uniform consistency. With this juice is not stratified.


Quality of tomato juice has a natural deep red color, it is dense and homogeneous. Too liquid juice indicates that the manufacturer saved on raw materials and added too much water. Harm does not bring a drink, but also the desired flavor you get.
You see in front of a dark burgundy juice? Most likely, the drink overheated, violated the sterilization. This tomato juice also did not please neither vitamins, nor taste.

Packaging and Shelf Life

The cardboard packaging protects the product from sunlight and, therefore, contributes to a better preservation of vitamins. Well, in glass containers can always consider the color of the product and evaluate its consistency. The shelf life of tomato juice – from 6 months to 3 years. It is best to purchase products that are not more than 6 months.

Quality checking

Of course, the quality of the tomato juice in the store difficult to verify, but at home you can do it easily. Add a glass of water 1 teaspoon baking soda, and then mix the resulting solution with the same amount of juice. If the color of the drink has not changed, be careful in the juice has artificial colors.
You can also check on the content of the juice and artificial flavors. Most of them make the oil-based, so they can be detected by touch. It is necessary to rub a drop of juice between his fingers. If there is a sensation of fat, then the juice is added synthetic flavoring.

Categories: How to choose

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