Goose baked in the oven

Goose baked in the oven

Goose baked in the oven.

Anatomy of a goose is a natural analogue of the road bike: abundant skin and bones, a kilogram of fat and little meat. It appears this goose skeptical eye and mind of the beginner. So he once appeared to me.

I must say that my first two geese in the oven to cook, I could not. Despite the fact that few read clever books, I talked with three professional chefs and at least two professional traders of poultry. Gus did not want to become a soft inside and golden on the outside and the filling is impregnated with no fat or what other liquids. I had wanted to bring the bird a proud personal hate list, but then fate brought me to a quiet old lady Tatar that these geese have prepared nearly a million. And she shared with me important knowledge, a total of three, how to prepare a goose.

The first knowledge

According to the recipe, the goose must first properly prepare. It is not very difficult, but it requires a lot of time – two or three days. That is, it is necessary to buy the goose does not feed on the eve of the table, and much in advance.

No matter what exactly you got goose. Frozen necessary to defrost (if defrost it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar, will take 25-30 hours), and fresh, if not gutted, gutted. If the goose gutted, rummage in his peritoneum, get a package with giblets and neck and pull on the light of God.

The next stage of training requires patience. Place the goose on the laid film table, take tweezers and start systematically removed the remains of feathers; if the goose was well handled before the sale, it will take a little time, but I personally such akkuratisty never come across. Then you take the scissors and cut off each wing of the first phalanx, because if not cut, foothills (the phalanx, as well as neck with giblets, can be sent either soup or a sauce). To be honest, lately I’ve been inclined to think, to cut the wings entirely, because the use of them is still no.

Putting scissors, take a small knife and carefully remove visible fat eye, it is located near the cervical opening and the incision in the abdomen, through which removed the giblets.

Now armed with the rotisserie – and pierce the skin on the breast, on the legs and in the place where the feet are connected to the torso. Punctures do so as not to touch the meat; To do this, hold the skewer should be almost parallel to the skin.

Now, put on fire a large saucepan with water. When the water boils, take the goose (I advise to wear rubber gloves) and carefully lower the neck down in a boiling water. Keep it in a position exactly one minute, then remove and wait until the water boils again, and drop into boiling water goose by the tail, and for a minute. Then drain the water inside nalivshuyusya and thoroughly pat dry with a towel bird, both inside and outside.

Then take a large salt – the rate of teaspoon per kilogram of body weight – and season it with black pepper. In addition to pepper, you can add something else; I prefer dried sage and oregano same. The resulting mixture rub the goose inside and out, put it on a platter and put the cold for two or three days (and if you have the opportunity to hang, hang).

Why do it? To dry the skin – and baking it becomes golden and crispy. And the meat “realized” that is softened.

The second knowledge

Goose should be properly to stuff and sew. Stuffed it can be anything. My favorite fillings – white bread, calf liver and onions, all this must be cut into pieces of medium size, mix, add a spoonful of fresh thyme leaves, drizzle with olive oil and mix again. Stuff properly – which means to fill the carcass filled about two-thirds, or even less. At the same time try to stack it so that the mass remained loose. The trick is that if you stuff the goose denser filling during baking will have nowhere to grow – and it will not absorb anything. And why is it necessary in this case?

Prerequisite: stuffed goose should be immediately before the bake. Otherwise lost.

Right sew – it means to sew so that the surgeon could look nasty. Thick thread and large stitches to then it was easier to pull this thread. Another way – to fix the cut small wooden skewers. At the very least, cervical incision so it’s best to fix.

The Council also criss-cross tie goose legs – not sticking out in different directions.

Third, knowledge

If properly prepared goose, bake it easy, but some conditions in this recipe to comply with all the same necessary.

Preheat the oven to maximum. Take a pan with high sides, set it in the grid. In the pan, pour the water layer of about a centimeter (to burn fat is not very convenient) and on the grill, place the goose, stuffed and sewn, breast side down. Put it all construction in the preheated oven, to the center, close the door and leave for fifteen minutes.
Then it is necessary to reduce the oven temperature to 160 ° C (and if used, convection, up to 150 ° C) and careful not to burn yourself, turn the goose back. Continue to cook it in the same position one and a half or two hours, if the bird is very large. If you want, you can water the goose liquid from the pan. To check the availability and take the needle pierce her leg: flowing juice should be transparent. Zagotovte reserve sheet of foil if the goose begins to burn, cover it with this sheet.
That’s all. Experienced users ovens celebrate the undoubted similarity of the described process and the preparation of lamb leg. Even more experienced say that carve the goose should be in private, and then, arrange on plates of golden crispy skin, wet by filling juices and tiny, downright tasting slices of meat, bear to the people. I will add on my own recipe: save the goose fat, which met otherwise, and then, when all the guests are gone, warm up with a couple of tablespoons of buckwheat it – it’s very tasty.

Categories: How to cook

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