Vegetable juices

Vegetable juices

Vegetable juices.

I recently attended a lecture on nutrition and detox (system of cleansing the body of toxins and impurities), Olga Malysheva, a leading expert in this field. The conclusion was disappointing – it turns out, my acid-alkaline balance is seriously broken. I found out all signs of acidification of the body: the lack of vitality, mental and physical tone, headaches, pale complexion and bloodshot eyes. I needed immediate alkalization. According to detox the system, it should start with the admission of fresh juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

Cooking juice every day on their own proved to be quite a chore. It was necessary not only to get up much earlier, but tons procure raw materials: apples, carrots, oranges, celery stalks – my fruit and vegetable line not so hot fantasy. And like anything unusual! Moreover, in the head persistently stuck alarming thought about pesticides, which in large quantities are found in fruits and vegetables that are sold in our stores. And then I decided not to suffer and buy a ready-made juice. My attention was attracted by the natural, environmentally friendly multivitamin juice with artichokes.

Artichoke – it is not a vegetable, not a fruit, it is – a flower aster family, looks like a thistle. It is believed that the artichoke dishes are useful for people with high acidity of gastric juice, because it contains large amounts of sodium and potassium salts other than the alkaline effect. The juice of the artichoke improves overall health, rejuvenates, removes excess cholesterol and removes puffiness.

Generally, artichoke – the mysterious plant, which is associated with many legends and mysteries. It depicted on the walls of ancient Egyptian temples and mentioned in ancient Roman treatises. In ancient Greece, artichoke attributed properties that contribute to the birthday boy. In medieval Europe, eating artichokes, which is considered a strong aphrodisiac, were allowed only to men. In California, where the artichoke grows everywhere, it is annually held festival in his honor, on which is chosen Miss Artichoke. In 1949 he was awarded the title of this little-known in the days of Marilyn Monroe.

In addition to the artichoke mixture in the multivitamin includes tomato, beetroot, lemon juice, and agave juice and radish and sea salt.

Vegetables and fruit for making juice collected in the most fertile and pristine regions of the planet, including in Switzerland – a country with a particularly careful attitude to the environment and the moratorium on the use of GMOs. Preservatives are added to the juice, long shelf life is achieved due to the special technology with the addition of natural lactic acid.

The taste of the juice was slightly tart, with a marked predominance of notes of tomato. However, it was something incomprehensible, mysterious. “Artichoke, probably,” – I thought, and prepared for alkalization.

But my sons drink conservative environmentally friendly multivitamin product declined: “Oh them, these artichokes! You better tomorrow wring itself. In our opinion – of oranges and apples. “

Categories: All about drinks

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