


  • 200 g dark chocolate
  • 30 g butter
  • 50 ml cream 33%
  • 50 g walnuts
  • waffle chips
  • 50 ml whiskey


  1. The chocolate crack and melt in a water bath.
  2. Cover with a cloth and leave at room temperature.
  3. Whip cream, add softened butter and stir until smooth.
  4. Cream mixture in a thin stream pour the chocolate, stirring constantly.
  5. Add whisky and mix.
  6. With a whisk blend well this mixture.
  7. Add chopped nuts.
  8. Use a teaspoon to make balls. Better to mold them with wet hands so in advance to put beside a bowl of water.
  9. Roll each ball in wafer crumbs and chopped nuts.