Children’s tea

Children's tea

Children’s tea.

Black or green tea for children under three years of drinking strongly recommended. For kids there is a special children’s tea: there are no tea leaves – no green or black. Usually children teas are granules and powder of herbs, berries and fruits. But let’s understand why your child need a tea and needed in principle.

Why does he need

Actually, you need not even tea, and water. The body of any person consists of 70% water, and in babies of the first year, this percentage is even higher. Large fluid requirements for infants are provided with breast milk (or breast milk substitutes). A child during the first feeding or already weaned of his children may be given tea. It is not that necessary, but helpful.

Children’s teas are preventive and curative. Preventive contain components that increase the body’s immune defenses. Medicinal teas of various compositions act as a carminative, anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, laxative, antipyretic.

Cabbage Fennel (which is popularly known as the “Italian fennel”) has a carminative effect, relieves intestinal cramps. Chamomile, anise, caraway seeds improve digestion, have anti-inflammatory action, refreshes and quenches thirst. Mint, lemon balm, motherwort calm. Cold teas help with extracts of licorice, chamomile, thyme, anise. Rose hips have a restorative effect, stimulating the immune system. Kids teas from fruit and wild berries – especially sources of vitamins and strengthen the child’s body as a whole.

Comment specialist

Most types of children’s tea can be given to children no earlier than 6 months. Up to 6 months is only good fennel (without sugar).

How to cook

Granular children’s teas are prepared easily: the recommended on the package amount of tea to pour warm boiled water, cool, if necessary, and ready to eat. The filter bags are welded in the same way as an ordinary tea bag.

If you do not want to buy ready-made children’s tea can be brewed herbs yourself. It can be chamomile, lemon balm, mint, dill seed, wild rose – 1 teaspoon of dry matter boiled water (250 ml) and insist 5-10 minutes, after which the beverage is poured into another bowl that it was not sediment. The tea can be added a little fructose (less than 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water) and honey or lemon (cm. Above the age).

Tea is desirable to give the baby in a heated to body temperature and a room temperature (22-25 degrees)

Categories: Baby products

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