How to make homemade yogurt

How to make homemade yogurt

How to make homemade yogurt.

Creative mothers know a lot of tricks that allow you to feed the children tasty, varied, most useful, and even economically. Oksana Lutz, known culinary blogger and mother of two children tells how to make a delicious yogurt at home.

For some reason I thought that if I do not have yogurt, then prepare homemade yogurt is not for me. I guess I just have not delved into the subject, content products store. And buy yogurt never was eager, kitchen gadgets – steamers, Multivarki and things scare me with its size, put them on the shelf, then safely forget about them and get once a year, on holidays, and on the work surface countertops available centimeters from me so its weight in gold.

It turns out that in stores selling a lot of different starters, but somehow I did not pay attention to them. And recently accidentally saw leaven, I began to read the summary on the box, and as it turned out, for the preparation of dairy products you can do without yogurt. Of course, I took a taste of what it is.

The process proved to be absolutely consuming. In a pan, pre showering her with boiling water, I boiled milk (bottle of leaven was calculated per liter), left to cool to 37-40 C, and then added the leaven, and sent the pot in the oven until the morning (in my oven has a special mode for making yogurt but if not, you can simply hide the pot with a towel), and in the morning, lo! I got a great yogurt! With a very soft, creamy taste without too much acid, which is so characteristic of store products.

As a sweetener I use honey, and to flavor and color – ripe fruits (bananas, pears) and berries (fresh or frozen). The consistency of thick yogurt is obtained, it can be eaten with a spoon, and if vigorously stir or whisk in the blender bowl with berries, it becomes a liquid as kefir.
Maybe I would go on to buy foods stores, but when there are small children, a hundred times you look at the composition of the product. My son can not be forced to drink yogurt and other dairy products, but my yogurt drink it with pleasure. And what do you need my mom to be happy?

Categories: Tips for parents

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