


Grapefruit – citrus fruit native to the Canary Islands, a close relative of the orange and the pomelo. Externally similar to the fruits of grapefruit fruits orange, but the flesh is sour and bitter taste.
The name is derived from the fruit of the English. grape (grape) and fruit (fruit), as fruits of grapefruit often gather in clusters, just like in a cluster of grapes.

Grapefruit also contains antioxidants that reduce cholesterol. A grapefruit a day helps to normalize blood cholesterol levels. This is especially important for people stradayuschihishemicheskoy heart disease and circulatory diseases for which an increased level of cholesterol is another risk factor. According to some reports, grapefruit with “red” flesh contain much more matter, lowering cholesterol than grapefruit “yellow” varieties.

Grapefruit is not recommended to take the medicine at the same time as the substance contained in it can neutralize or increase the effects of various drugs, and thus have the effect of an overdose.
Grapefruit juice increases the acidity of gastric juice, grapefruit therefore recommended for people with reduced acidity and, at the same time not suitable for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Almost everywhere, where they grow grapefruits, they seek to protect them from pests and various diseases; make it different chemical composition. Most of the chemicals that are processed fruit localized precisely in its peel. In addition to fruits stay fresh longer, they are covered with a special compound that the wax fruit, which gives them a neat “painted” look. All this should be borne in mind – and not to abuse the grapefruit peel.

The types and grades

There are about two dozen varieties of grapefruit. They are divided into two major groups – the white (or yellow) grapefruit, with pulp yellowish, and red (or pink).
Red grapefruit (Ruby, Rio Red, Star Ruby, Flame) were withdrawn in the middle of the XX century in the United States. As a rule, the more red color contains grapefruit pulp, so it sweeter.
There are varieties with lots of seeds in the fruit, as well as completely without seeds.

Hybrid grapefruit pomelo – Formation, which is the rest of the world know for nazvanieyami Oroblanco and pomelo.

Hybrids grapefruit and mandarin certain varieties – Mineola and tangelos.

How to cook

Grapefruit fruits eaten raw, used as an ingredient for fruity and spicy salads. Grapefruit good with seafood, fish, a bird, a young cheese. Because it is cooked jam and crushed juice. Grapefruit essential oil is used in confectionery and alcoholic beverage industry.

Before use, the fruit of the grapefruit is usually cut with a sharp knife. The core in each half with a part of the adjacent films are removed.

To completely get rid of the bitterness of the fruit of the grapefruit, translucent to shoot leathery film covering each slice of the fruit, and which focused mainly gorchaschie substance. Cook called peeled cloves supreme, but in the home kitchen, they are known as “fillet”.


The main producing countries grapefruit – United States (Florida, California, Texas, Arizona), Argentina, Brazil, the Caribbean, Australia, South Africa, the Mediterranean countries, including Israel. The relatively small amounts of grapefruit is cultivated on the Black Sea Coast, in western Georgia, Abkhazia.

In most countries, the season grapefruit accounted for late autumn, winter and early spring (main season – from November to March).

In the other hemisphere, in South Africa, grapefruit season falls between June and October.

How to choose and store

Fruit of the grapefruit should be whole, intact. Pay attention to the weight of the fetus: the juicy grapefruit, the more it weighs.
Palatability grapefruit depend on the amount it beta-carotene. The brighter the rind of the fruit, the more beta-carotene, the sweeter it will be. In addition, red grapefruits are mostly much sweeter whites.

Do not be put off by the fruit with brown or green tint.

To be guided in the choice of fruit should also be on the scent. Ripe and juicy fruit smells very strongly.

Red grapefruit has a maximum number of useful properties due to the large amount of lycopene, which is an excellent antioxidant.

To fruits stay fresh longer, they are covered with a special compound that the wax fruit, which gives them a neat “painted” look. Therefore, when choosing fruit pay attention to his appearance.

Choose fruits with a matte skin, which are not covered by special trains.

Fresh fruit is not recommended to be stored for a long time. The ripe grapefruit, the less it will be stored. For these fruits are best bottom shelf of the refrigerator or special compartments for fruits.

The maximum shelf life of grapefruit – 10 days. Once they dry out, which spoils their taste and aroma.

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