Benefits of seafood.
Everyone is familiar with the commandment, “You’ll be at sea – to lean on seafood.” Now seafood available year round and not just on the sea. But is it useful? Try to understand.
Without exception, seafood rich in protein, which they have more than the meat, and it is much easier to digest. There can seafood without fear of figure – 100 g contains 60 to 120 kcal.
The seafood a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including Omega 3. They reduce the risk of cancer, improve brain function, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
In addition, seafood – a source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The easiest way to get them – eat seafood mix. It consists, as a rule, include prawns, squid, mussels and octopus. If you include it in your diet, you can cover the body’s need for vitamins A, E and group B, iodine, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and selenium.
With a large variety of species of all shrimp – a source of essential amino acids, vitamins, almost all the B group and trace elements. In a large number of shrimp contain iodine necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Potassium, magnesium and zinc support the work of the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of shrimp normalizes metabolism, reduces the risk of allergies and cancers.
The shrimp also contains large amounts of cholesterol. Some call this cholesterol “bad” and call to exclude from its shrimp diet. Others argue that the cholesterol in shrimp “good”, and you can eat them without any restrictions. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle, so abuse the prawns still not worth it.
Squid meat contains large amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals. The combination of proteins and polyunsaturated fat promotes muscle fibers. In this connection, the squid is very popular among those who want to build muscle. Squid meat contains vitamins B6 and the B3, which are establishing the metabolic processes in the body, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Kalmar lot of potassium that displays the excess fluid from the body, and selenium, which displays the salts of heavy metals.
However, all useful properties of fresh squid are not transferred to dried squid. They contain a lot of salts which retains fluid in the body and cause swelling.
Midia – amazing shellfish. According to its nutritional properties mussels in no way inferior oysters. Only they are much cheaper and have fewer calories.
mussel meat contains a large amount of vitamin B12 is, which in turn helps a lot better assimilated by other vitamins and minerals and trace elements. A lot of mussels – vitamins A, E, C and group B, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iodine and selenium. 100 g of mussel contains 13% of the daily requirement of vitamin C, 22% iron and 52% selenium. Selenium unfairly overlook, and yet in its deficiency in the body is not absorbed iodine.
Everything else in mussels little cholesterol and plenty of phospholipids, which are beneficial to the liver.
The obvious disadvantages in mussels are absent.
octopus meat contains B vitamins, potassium, selenium, taurine, iron and zinc. Taurine has a calming effect on the nervous system. Zinc slows the aging process, strengthens the immune system, improves vision. Eating octopus helps to regulate cholesterol levels in the blood, due to the high content of meat in its fatty acids.
Octopus must be very carefully cleaned, the remains of ink and mucus can lead to poisoning.
Prudence will not interfere
If you do not live close to the sea, it is better to buy frozen seafood. Firstly, they are only fresh daily catch. Secondly, without proper treatment can remain small parasites that live in seafood, and that could very well get into our bodies. Shock freezing at temperatures below – 40 ° C kills larvae, while retaining the beneficial properties of the product. When buying, pay only on the amount of ice in the package. His dolzhgl be at least! Many ice represents mnogogratnoe refreeze product. White spots on the shell as a bad signal: shrimp thawed repeatedly.