Baby puree. How to choose the best baby puree.
Once the mother’s milk the baby becomes an objective is not enough, then it’s time to introduce complementary foods as the first baby puree.
When administered in the diet of baby puree?
WHO recommends to introduce in the diet of baby puree with normal breastfeeding to 6 months.
Introducing a new kind of mashed potatoes, start with small portions, literally at the tip of a teaspoon. After the first admission of a new food, watch for the child, whether there were during the day any symptoms of rejection – a violation of a chair or a rash. If all goes well, you can offer a child of 1-2 hours. L. puree. When the body’s normal reaction of the growing amount of mashed potatoes a day should be 25-40 years old, the kids can eat after the contents of a jar full stogrammovoy.
Types of baby puree
On the composition of mashed divided into:
This kind of mashed potatoes – the first product in the diet of a child after breast milk and infant formula. Start with a single-component foods: pumpkin, carrot, squash. With this product, you will be able to determine exactly what it could be a food allergy. Do not rush to buy baby puree of cabbage and beans – they provoke flatulence and mashed potatoes – can cause food allergies. Typically, the first is the lure of the green vegetable puree or light colored vegetables.
After meeting with vegetable puree can move on to the fruit. Please also enter the one-component non-allergenic species (pear, apricot, banana, plum, apple), and then – multi-species. As the first fruit puree foods, choose fruits that grow in your area: apples, pears and plums. Also, when choosing a smoothie, try to focus on seasonal fruits. Mashed exotic fruit buy only when your baby is at least a year.
Berries are potential allergens, so enter the mashed berries later, and very carefully. The least allergenic considered currants, it is believed that it can start to have a baby 7 months, and it is better to have saved it to a year. Then gradually add blueberries, blackberries and gooseberries. More allergenic raspberries and strawberries include in a diet after other berries.
This kind of mashed be administered in the diet until fruit and vegetable. Through use of meat sauce, the baby reduces the risk of anemia and problems with immunity. Today, manufacturers offer two basic types of meat baby puree: pure meat or poultry meat and mix with vegetables or cereals. You can also find baby food made from several kinds of meat: beef with chicken, veal, pork, etc. This kind of baby puree can give only if he is already familiar with each of the foods contained in it. Note the so-called dietetic meat mash – mixtures of vegetables or cereals with meat: they are generally small when the concentration of the meat they nutritious and satisfying. Especially such mixtures are useful for children who are mastering the meat is not very easy. Introducing the meat in the diet of the child should also since children monocomponent puree with a minimal amount of additives, chicken, rabbit, turkey, lean beef and pork. Combined mashed enter approximately 9 months.
Fish vysokoallergenna, so the child’s diet should be administered no earlier than 9 months and children with allergies – only on doctor’s advice. Fish is very important for the child: it contains protein, phosphorus, iron and many vitamins. And most importantly – the fish is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, involved in the construction of cellular membranes and metabolism in tissues. As a first fish feeding, choose lean varieties of fish: hake, plaice, pollack, haddock, cod.
According to the degree of grinding mashed divided into:
- homogenized (particle size up to 0.3 mm), designed for children of 4-6 months;
- puree (particle size up to 1.5 mm), designed for children of 7-9 months;
- krupnoizmelchennoe (particle size up to 3 mm), designed for children older than 9 months.
- In the latter two are generally already contain spices and water may be replaced on the broth.
Baby puree. Selection Rules:
- Buy mashed corresponding age group your child. Information on the age of the audience for whom the product is looking on the packaging.
- Look at the expiry date of the product. The present baby mash should be stored in a closed form is not more than 2 years (with the addition of milk or cream – less), and in the open – no more than 3 days in a refrigerator.
- The quality children’s mashed potatoes do not have to be added preservatives, dyes, food additives, salt and sugar. Ideally, as a part of puree should be only water and on the package ingredient (s): vegetable / fruit / berry / meat / fish.
- Baby puree sold in separate boxes, each of which has its own advantages: the glass is good because the undesired impurities from the package does not affect the quality of the product; cans typically have a greater shelf-life; cartons a low cost, compared to other packages.
- The retail package without deformation or other defects.