Organic food: good, especially the right to choose.
On the organic products they say and write a lot. Vnesёm and we mite: Tell us what it is and give practical advice on choosing biopitaniya
What biopitanie
Biopitanie – is to eat organic products (bio) which are made without the use of (or with minimal) synthetic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, growth regulators, artificial food additives and without the use of genetically modified products (GMOs).
The criteria for organic products:
- manufactured without using harmful technologies (sonication, chemical preservation, nuclear fission radiation treatment, gassing, etc.);
- contain raw materials of agricultural origin, grown with the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and other agricultural chemistry, hormones and growth stimulants and raw materials grown near industrial centers;
- not incorporate genetically modified organisms (GMO) products (GMP) and their derivatives;
- do not contain chemically synthesized preservatives, colorants, flavors, stabilizers, and thickening agents.
Use organic products:
- bioproducts contain 50% more vitamins, minerals, nutrients and bioactive agents as compared to conventional products
How to choose organic foods
- Pay attention to the special eco-label on the product of organic origin. For each country, it is normal. In Russia, such labeling is not there yet. This means that many Russian manufacturers voluntarily “appends” labeling “organic product”, “organic products”;
- Explore the composition. Ideally, bring a printout of a table of food additives with E index to look to the category of any of them are those that are listed on the package;
- Also pay attention to the shelf life of food: organic milk can not mope weeks and summer varieties of apples are not prolezhat longer than 10-15 days;
- It is best to choose organic products in specialized ekomagazinah.
Organic products – a special method of production, quality and usefulness. And that means that the price of a special, high. Some manufacturers claim that this is due to the production technology (the qualitative approach, the higher costs of setting up). Some experts claim converse organic products grown without the use of herbicides and pesticides have lower cost and with higher yield than the production of “chemical” production. At the same time, in our realities stated margin related to the fact that its organic products have little, we carry from abroad, respectively, on the shelves of organic food are expensive. If the Europeans pay for organic products is 20-40% more expensive than usual, we have an extra charge can reach 600%!
Alternative organic products: the products from the country
Alternatively biopitaniya many of us consider vegetables, fruits, berries, grown in the country with their own hands. This is considered a good alternative to the mass production of bio-products, but not perfect:
- Often we grow food, without knowing anything about the land itself, the soil, its qualitative composition. A mass production of organic products starting with the certification of land.
- We can not always tell how good the food fed domestic animals (cows, goats, lambs), which was the soil in which the plants grow – their future food. For example, in the production of organic milk is important that the cow was grazing enough, lived in comfortable conditions (for example, the stall should not be tight), and even at slaughter experience less pain. Moreover, there is even a requirement for the number of hectares per head: for one adult dairy cow in the farm must be not less than two hectares.