How to choose bread in shop.
On what it is necessary to pay attention and as it is better to store it.
1. Fresh bread has to be first of all soft. Wrap up a hand a plastic bag or a paper kerchief and simply press on pastries.
2. Quality of bread can be determined by appearance. At traditional grades of bread: a cut long loaf, darnitsky and Ukrainian bread there has to be a thin not burned slightly crust. On a cut bread has to be evenly porous, and a cut – smooth, that is bread shouldn’t crumble.
3. The bread unpacked made in the traditional basic way – perishable good. For example, the long loaf cut is stored only 24 hours, in packing till 72 o’clock. Black bread unpacked – 36 hours, and in packing till 48 o’clock. At addition of preservatives periods of storage increase, for example, the cut long loaf to be stored in packing till 96 o’clock, and rye white bread – till 120 o’clock.
4. Remember that packing influences quality of bread. Strangely enough, bread, upakovyvanny in polyethylene, is initially an initiative of producers: was considered that such packing keeps freshness of bread. But actually in such packing bread dampens and quicker grows mouldy. Best of all bread is stored in the bread box processed by vinegar.
5. The bread produced by bezoparny or the accelerated method hardens quicker than, the bread made with a traditional, basic method.