Fruit smoothies – 5 new ideas for breakfast

Fruit smoothies - 5 new ideas for breakfast

Fruit smoothies – 5 new ideas for breakfast.

Many, hurrying to work that morning, skip breakfast in favor of saving time in the gathering. And it is in vain! Why miss one of the most important if not the most important meal, breakfast if you can as quickly as possible to cook? We deal with this issue.

Unless, of course, put aside the classic sandwich “white bread + butter + sausage or cheese,” then smoothies, perhaps, will be the fastest speed of preparation of breakfast options. While in your kitchen will be “live” fresh fruits and berries, which is quite possible in the spring-summer season, so be it. Of course, without the blender in this case can not do.

Here are the Five-date smoothie – no exotic and costly products, and smoothies 3 and without cow’s milk and its derivatives. All recipes are given at the rate of 3-4 people.

1. “Soy milk and a banana”: 750 ml of milk and whisk 3 bananas in a blender until smooth. Add a few leaves of rosemary and a little mint, if desired. Whisk again briefly, chill and serve.

2. “The grapes and kiwi”: 200g light seedless grapes, 2 peeled kiwi, 2-3 tbsp. l. honey, acacia better, 1-2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 4 tbsp. l. whisk the yogurt in a blender until smooth. Cool and serve.

3. “Pear and Orange”: 4 large juicy pears, juicy orange and 5-6 2-3 tbsp. l. whisk the honey in a blender until smooth. Serve. If you have the time and the pears are soft, they can be put in a pot, cover with water, bring to a boil and cook for 3-5 minutes. Fruits remove, cool and cook according to this recipe.

4. “Coconut milk and apples”: 4 red juicy apple, 2-3 tbsp. l. maple syrup or honey, banana 2, 1 h. l. ground cinnamon 400 ml coconut milk, whisk in a blender until smooth. Drink beverage chilled or at room temperature.

5. “Watermelon and raspberry”: 700 g watermelon flesh, 200 g pulp melons, 2-3 tbsp. l. yogurt, a little mint leaves and 200 grams of raspberries, whip in a blender until smooth. Drink beverage chilled or at room temperature. Raspberries, if desired, can be replaced with jam or jelly.

Categories: All about drinks

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