Sweetie – a hybrid of pomelo and grapefruit, took over at the first sweet pulp, fruit size and thick peel, and the second – juiciness.
In the English speaking world is known as the white fruit grapefruit or Oroblanco; hybrid with this name was launched in 1970 in an experimental laboratory of the University of California in Riverside. Later his version offered Israeli breeders, thanks to which this fruit was known under the alias and suites.
Fruits Sweetie remain green even after full maturity.
The calorie content and vitamin C in the suite is the same as that of grapefruit. And in the suite of a huge amount of ascorbic acid, so that fruit are particularly good for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu virus infections. Sweetie, like grapefruit, contains special enzymes that cleave great fats and proteins. Because of these properties, the fruit is recommended to use in food for people suffering from obesity.
By Sweetie need to be treated with caution for those who have increased the acidity of gastric juice. You should not have him in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, enteritis, colitis and exacerbations of inflammatory bowel disease, and cholecystitis, hepatitis and acute nephritis.
Like other citrus juice, Sweetie juice can increase effects of some medications, so to avoid overdose should not use it in conjunction with medications.
How to cook
Sweetie eating just as grapefruit and pomelo – often crude, used as an ingredient for savory and fruit salads. From the suite can be cooked jam and squeeze the juice.
Sweetie different varieties are grown mainly in Israel, the United States (California) and Australia.
In Russia the fruit fall, as a rule, from Israel, where the season sweetie is in November – January.
In California Sweetie long season – from October to April.
How to choose and store
Sweetie remains green even at full maturity. Fruit peel should be shiny and smooth, without depressions and dark spots. The fruit must be quite heavy.
Sweetie can store in the refrigerator or at room temperature for 2-3 weeks, without prejudice to the fruit. All of its useful properties remain.